Title: The Folklore Archives
Date: 2018
Type: Research, Curatorial
Stat: Ongoing
Welcome to the folklore archives.
Since 2016, we have been working with seniors to learn about different ways of living through their personal collections and recollections. As we attend to their stories, their affinities, their dreams, we get a glimpse of their inner lives, their views of the world, their idiosyncrasies. As they invite you to visit their private collections, imagine the past, present and future of the worlds we inhabit. What worlds do we long for in the things we collect, in the stories we tell ourselves?
These rooms are brimming with the personal realities of each individual and your curiosity will determine the shape of each encounter. Each is a library of reveries waiting to be heard, each a proposed itinerary to other worlds. As you step into the archive, one object whispers to another, they sense a gathering perhaps, a possible reunion of other selves.
Enter into the world of another.