1. Private Archives
Title: Clay: A Cultural History
Date: 2022
Type: Research, Curatorial
Stat: Ongoing
Title: Sago: A Natural & Cultural History
Date: 2021
Type: Research, Curatorial
Stat: Ongoing
Title: Tiny Museums
Date: 2020
Type: Research, Curatorial
Stat: Ongoing
Title: Inside See Hoot Kee’s Archive
Date: 2019
Type: Research, Translation, Curatorial
Stat: Ongoing
Title: History of Rajah & Tann
Date: 2019
Type: Research, Translation
Stat: Completed
Title: History of Singapore General Hospital
Date: 2019
Type: Research
Stat: Completed
Title: The Folklore Archives
Date: 2018
Type: Research, Curatorial
Stat: Ongoing
Title: Trans-Oceanic Journeys of Music Instruments
Date: 2018
Type: Curatorial
Stat: Completed
Note: These are private archives that have been opened up by their collectors/custodians to the public. All others remain private and hidden.